Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech?

Found this one in the local weekly, “Westword.” 🙂

“Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech?

In this recently posted video, for instance, Obama is accused of using “the techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), a covert form of hypnosis,” to

As you may have heard, Barack Obama recently became the president of the United States. However, his enemies continue to portray him as a smooth but dangerous character whose rhetorical skills mask evil motives. In this recently posted video, for instance, Obama is accused of using “the techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), a covert form of hypnosis,” to put America under his spell — and his Invesco Field speech during August’s Democratic National Convention is used to illustrate this point.

“A fundamental tool of ‘conversational hypnosis’ is pacing and leading — a way for the hypnotist to bypass the listener’s critical faculty by associating repeated statements that are unquestionably accurate with the message he wants to convey,” states the text that accompanies the clip. “In his Denver acceptance speech, Obama used the phrases ‘Thats why I stand here tonight,’ ‘Now is the time’ and ‘This moment’ 14 times. Paces are connected to the lead by words such as ‘and,’ ‘as,’ ‘because’ or ‘that is why.’ For example, ‘We need change’ (who could disagree?) and ‘That is why I will be your next President.'” And what other famous person used a similar approach to public speaking? Why, Adolf Hitler, of course. (Ed.: Also Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan):.

Not buying this theory? After watching the footage above, you probably won’t, either — but that’s because you’re in a trance. Snap out of it!” ”


6 thoughts on “Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech?”

  1. Pingback: Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech?

  2. What a load of tosh!,
    Firstly-The opening gambit is completely inacurate. NLP was not developed by ‘Dr Milton Erricson’ in fact it was developed by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

    Second- who is naive enough to believe that all the great leaders of this planet have not utilised forms of ‘hypnotic language patterns’ in their speeches! Hitler? yes, Mussolini? most certainly. Jesus?, Ghandi? YES YES YES!! Hypnotic language patterns are used in everything form politics to sales you only buy something you dont want if you are dumb enough to not consider the alternatives and make an intelligent choice!

    this sort of nonsense makes my blood boil, besides the video is talking about his ‘acceptance speech’ Does the phrase ‘Too late’ mean anything?

  3. Error in concept here:
    Obama was specifically designed as a “program” to bring about his election.
    But, yes, all dictators (successful people) use the same techniques and the most masterful in the last century or so was Hitler’s “minder”, who waltzed through the Nuremburg “Trials” with consummate ease.

    What was effective was the staging employed when the “serious” re-conditioning of Germany was needed – those magnificent extravaganzas, those buildings he created.
    In the USA it was easier – just create apparently very large gatherings/mobs.

    However, the key to successful leadership is to find out what the mob craves and promise it to them. Simple.
    Then follow a simple critical rule: “The would-be prophet is never honoured in his own town”. He must be a stranger.

    Yet, a new paradigm (correct use of the word) has occurred: the Internet – who knows where it is going?
    Can you manipulate people by texting them?
    Yes. Great writers have done it for thousands of years……

  4. Pete,

    Inaccuracies bug me too;

    “NLP was not developed by ‘Dr Milton Erricson’ in fact it was developed by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder”

    It’s Erickson and why would you call Bandler ‘doctor’ and not Grinder?

    Seems odd given that Dr Grinder was already a Professor when Bandler was a student.


  5. Further Bandler’s PhD is simply an honorary degree granted by Marshall University.

    Grinder earned a PhD in Linguistics and was doing groundbreaking work in the field with Suzette Hayden Elgin (“The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense) before he started working with Bandler and some other students at UCSC. This group included notably Leslie Cameron (later Leslie Cameron Bandler, now Leslie LeBeau), Robert Dilts, David Gordon, Steven Gilligan, Paul Carter, Byron Lewis, and others who formed the team that developed the early models that became NLP. Steve Andreas, at the time President of the Gestalt Therapy Institute discovered their work and did much to popularize it through a series of books begining with “Frogs Into Princes” that he had published by his publishing company Real People Press.

    It was Gregory Bateson who initially guided the early work, introducing the team of students to Milton Erickson and Virginia Satir. Gilligan and Carter focused on Erickson’s work becoming leading Ericksonian therapists. The others collaboratively developed the early work which became known as NLP.


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