Does Neuro-Linguistic psychotherapy have effect?
New Results shown in the extramural section
Author: Genser-Medlitsch, Martina; Schätz, Peter
Year of publication: 1997
Publishing house / periodical / university: Martina Genser-Medlitsch; Peter Schätz, ·TZ-NLP, Wiederhofergasse 4, A-1090, Wien, Austria
Abstract: The objective of the first comprehensive evaluation study on NL psychotherapy (NLPT) was to test whether individual NLP therapy, in principle, is effective in free practice. This study is based on a prospective controlled design with ratings at three points of time and was conducted under practice-related conditions. Data were gathered by means of standardized psychological questionnaires, which in some aspects were related to NLP concepts. The test sample (55 therapy clients and 60 waiting list control group clients) was heterogeneous as to patterns of symptoms and discomforts. The effect of NLPT was studied by examining changes of individual complaints, clinical psychological symptoms, individual coping strategies and locus of control tendencies and by assessmant on the part of the clients and the therapists of the success of treatment. The results were analyzed by means of two probabilistic models better suited for the purpose of measuring such changes. Changes of psychological properties were measured by means of the linear rating scale model (LRSM) and the linear partial credit model (LPCM), and it could be established that, in principle, NLP is effective in accordance with the therapeutic objective. In addition, the influence on the effectiveness of the therapy of duration of treatment, age and sex of the clients were examined.