Jeb Arcement taught science at a junior high school in Louisiana. The students at Jeb’s school were so tough that, in some years, the school lost a third of its teachers.
Some new teachers didn’t even make it to Christmas. They’d get a new principal every 1-3 years. “It was a very toxic situation, to say the least.”
“When I started teaching,” Jeb shared, “The kids were running my classroom. It was just awful.” Early on, he got some standard NLP training, which really helped him. However, teaching was still very stressful for him, and his discipline wasn’t how he wanted it to be.
Then, he learned Core Transformation and Aligning Perceptual Positions. Jeb explained how this completely transformed his experience of teaching.
The Kids Can Smell It…If You Aren’t Congruent
Jeb had a two-hour block each morning to prepare, before his first class. “I’d use some of this time to check in with myself. If I noticed I was feeling stressed, I did Core Transformation with this feeling. Sometimes it would just take five minutes …. Doing this would just completely resolve whatever I was stressed out over, worried over, angry over, upset over. So when the kids came in, I was in the most centered, grounded place.”
Jeb did CT many times, over a few years, with many responses. “Sometimes I’d find a part that was angry at these kids, and wanted to retaliate. When I worked on this part, the anger would dissolve, and there was inner peace there. The biggest result was I started feeling myself to be ‘at cause’ instead of being ‘at effect’.”
“Also, like most school teachers, I was way too empathetic with the students. Using Aligning Perceptual Positions (another method taught in the Core Transformation course), to shift into a neutral place, without being hooked in, was really important. As a result, I was able not to have them rattle my cage, like they’re experts at! And because they couldn’t rattle my cage, they gave up.”
“I don’t know how I would have been able to manage without these tools. A teacher can learn discipline techniques, but if we’re doing it from a reactive state, it isn’t going to work. The kids can smell it and laugh if you aren’t congruent.”
“Me being centered and grounded just made my day wonderful. And then I could also be more effective as a teacher.”*
How Would Being This Grounded Transform Your Work?
Fortunately, the same methods that helped Jeb be centered and grounded can help resolve stress in any environment. Business people, dentists, parents, first responders, therapists — people from all walks of life sometimes deal with various pressures and stresses.
In fact, Jeb also shared that he’s been using Core Transformation to help people resolve their fear of public speaking. “I’ve worked with about ten people, and all but one resolved in one session. One person had a more complex situation and took three sessions.”
Would you like to learn the same methods that helped Jeb get these dramatic life-changing results?
Join us for live and online Core Transformation Foundation training starting October 18th.
If you’re interested, here’s more about Jeb’s results, after using Core Transformation and Aligning Perceptual Positions:
Jeb taught a science class for students who weren’t college-bound. State-wide, 50% of students taking this class pass a standardized science exam at the end. For his class of lower-functioning students, 80% passed.
Also, “There was a class of 9th graders that didn’t have a teacher for half of the year. And then they finally got a teacher, and he was really catching hell. So I told the principal I would take them. I could swap classes with this other teacher. And the first day I taught this class, I checked my watch, and in nine minutes, you could hear a pin drop, they were that quiet. Later, I took on another rowdy class, which took seven minutes this time. It was so far from what anyone thought possible, even me.”
Once Jeb left a note for the school secretary saying that he wouldn’t be coming in the next day, and the secretary either didn’t get the message or she forgot. So no arrangement was made for a substitute teacher.
“When I returned to school on the following day, another teacher said, ‘I want to go stand at the feet of the master.’ I asked, ‘What do you mean?’ She said, ‘There was no substitute. And nobody knew. Your students took their own roll, took the handouts from your desk, did all the work, put the work in the manilla folder, and we didn’t even know you weren’t there.’ The same thing happened a couple more times, so it wasn’t just a fluke.”
Of course, Core Transformation and Aligning Perceptual Positions wouldn’t turn someone into a wonderful teacher. However, being in a centered, grounded state and being “at cause” allowed Jeb to use his teaching capabilities effectively.
Jeb also took the Core Transformation Coach Certification to gain even more skill in helping others with Core Transformation. However, the wonderful results he got as a school teacher came from what we teach in our 3-day Core Transformation Foundation Course.
You can join this course here…
(Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash)