The Core Transformation Seminar: No Will-Power, No Discipline, No Positive Thinking, Just You!
November 7-9, 2014 Boulder, Colorado
Regular Tuition $475
“With a Core state as my basis of perception, there is no more fear… just appreciation for the wonders of life.”
The Core Transformation Seminar mentors you step by step on a profound journey of self healing.
Old limitations dissolve. “Inner peace,” “love” and “oneness” rush in… and become a way of life.
Revealed in the simple, step-by-step methods you learn at this event, even deeply-entrenched problems melt away.
For many, it feels like a kindness to yourself, long overdue. And the Core Transformation Seminar makes it second nature to:
- Align with your deepest self in a reliable, enduring way
- Use your alignment and help clients to your full potential
- Move beyond inner conflict and struggle and respect yourself fully
With every step, you receive clear guidance from a world class professional, Tamara Andreas. Along with NLP Master and Practitioner Trainings, Tamara has taught these programs for more than 20 years.
And the results are so consistently great that we offer this unique guarantee for this program:
Your Satisfaction Guaranteed! Because participants get so much out of this training, we are comfortable offering you this guarantee: If at the end of attending this training you don’t feel that you have benefited, we will refund your tuition in full. That’s right. You may take the whole program, and if you’re not pleased with what you’ve gotten, we will cheerfully refund your entire tuition!
Claim your place and register now
How You Learn at The Core Transformation Seminar
As a member of this intimate class, you:
- Experience the whole process firsthand in a safe environment as Tamara eases you in
- Discover how to lead the process as Tamara takes one person through Core Transformation while you observe and model her
- Take turns with your partner leading the process based on a clear and simple script
- Get any help you need with experienced coaches always by your side
- Share perspectives in a small “family-sized” group led by your coach
- Receive insights and actionable input in a supportive setting
- Apply Core Transformation readily with your own clients when you return
“Tamara was magnificent! Her skill, patience, and love shine through! By Sunday,everyone was glowing.”
Irit Horn & Don Pelles, Workshop Organizers, Montgomery County, MD
More About The Process
More About Your Seminar Leader
Reserve Now at a Savings!
How You Grow at The Core Transformation Seminar
This one-of-a-kind event shares an amazingly powerful yet gentle process as it:
- Hastens personal change while removing barriers to deep and lasting results
- Gives you step by step methods you can rely on again and again
- Turns any limitation into a strength whenever you need it
- Operates from wholeness, peace, and oneness and becomes your natural state with very little effort
- Dissolves unwanted behaviors, feelings and responses from the inside out for true self-mastery
- Creates unshakeable inner well-being, even when life is at its worst like the calm harbor amid a stormy sea
- Converts our most hated quirks and foibles into staunch allies and delicately opens you up to new perceptions
“I have since used the process 18 times now. In fifteen of those sessions, my clients have experienced deep, cathartic release and the “spiritual experiences” you mention in your book. I am still shocked about how powerful a tool [Core Transformation] is. In less than an hour I achieved a state I had only read about, a state I thought could be reached only after long meditation.” L, a psychiatrist from Poland
“What a treat! I will use this for the rest of my life and career as a Polarity Practitioner. (It) is so valid and powerful.” Ellie Simmons, RPP, RPE, Colorado, USA
At The Core Transformation Seminar, You Find Yourself Rapidly…
- Changing from the inside without relying on the world or other people
- Extinguishing limiting habits like nail-biting, once and for all
- Resolving deeper issues like trauma, anger, weight loss, or abuse… safely
- Empowering yourself as you reconcile what originally motivated old, self-defeating behaviors with the wiser person you’ve become
- Strengthening relationships from the place where your greater sense of self meets your expanded capacity for compassion and helping others
- Remember: Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed! Because participants get so much out of this training, we are comfortable offering you this guarantee: If at the end of attending this training you don’t feel that you have benefited, we will refund your tuition in full. That’s right. You may take the whole program, and if you’re not pleased with what you’ve gotten, we will cheerfully refund your entire tuition!
So Claim your seat and register now
The Person You Become at The Core Transformation Seminar…
- Handles the stresses of everyday life with grace and poise
- Connects with your deeper self even when you feel overloaded
- Enjoys more fulfilling relationships using amazingly simple techniques
- Finds your inner peace by conscious design rather than chance
How to Describe Core Transformation to Others
- No will-power, no discipline, no positive thinking
- Guided 10-step process melts away personal limitations by embracing them
- Easy to learn fast, makes continuous improvement natural, yields profound insights at every crossroads and stage of life
- Novices make rapid breakthroughs, experienced practitioners evolve on a higher plane
- Integrates NLP with psychology and spirit based on the pioneering work of Connirae Andreas
Claim your seat and register now
What People Are Saying…
“The most exciting part was the discovery that I didn’t have to go outside myself to get inner peace … “
” … going from a chronic arthritic using a walking stick and totally reliant on painkillers to get me through each day, to a vibrant, happy, energized person who now tends to run rather than walk.”
The Core Transformation Seminar:
- Meets the deepest strivings of our times to heal ourselves and develop as human beings, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually
- Offers a graceful way to change unwanted thoughts, feelings and habits, and achieve goals you thought unattainable
- Fosters career advances, mends relationships, stops smoking, changes “problem” emotions and behaviors, enables weight loss, beats depression, and enhances health and well-being.
You might wonder how one technique can help people achieve results in so many different areas of life.
The secret is Core Transformation recognizes your limitations are really doorways to resolution.
Imagine your most difficult problem offering you a way to learn, grow, and transform. Core Transformation gently uncovers the positive intentions you had when your problem began and leads to a deeper understanding where awareness and change occur naturally.
Here is a full Webinar with Tamara:
About Your Seminar Leader, Tamara Andreas
Tamara Andreas is a transformational seminar leader with a private practice. She is co-author of the book Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within. Tamara has used the Core Transformation Process in depth in her own life, and it has become a major focus in her workshops, taught around the world.
Tamara is a sought-after NLP Trainer at both Practitioner and Master Practitioner levels. Tamara makes presentations tailored for business groups, health professionals and educators. She is the founder of NLP of Ohio, Inc., an NLP training institute.
Claim your seat and register now
What Best Selling Authors Say About Core Transformation
“The way to a man and woman’s heart is through this book. CORE TRANSFORMATION will help you turn your limitations inside out, enabling you to experience yourself in a way you never dreamed possible.” -Michele Weiner-Davis, author, Divorce Busting
“Core Transformation is a brilliant book about a brilliant process. It quickly takes you to the core of your being.” -Jack Canfield, author, Chicken. Soup for the Soul
“This book will take your there. Compassionately, clearly and interestingly written, with just the right balance of idea and procedure. There is no Limit to the good CORE TRANSFORMATION could end up doing.” – Hugh Prather, author, Notes to Myself
“CORE TRANSFORMATION offers a profound way to touch the depths of our own soulfulness. I had an immediate and deep experience of self-love with it.” -John Bradshaw, author, Healing the Shame that Binds You, Homecoming and Creating Love
“One of the most important works I have come across, in any field, CORE TRANSFORMATION should be adopted as the principal therapy by every therapist in the country, understood and practiced by everyone in the helping and legal professions, as well as parents and teachers. I stand in awe at the simplicity, clarity, and directness of a work of such magnitude, and will do all I can to promote it.” -Joseph Chilton Pearce, author, Crack in the Cosmic Egg, The Magical Child and Evolution’s End
“CORE TRANSFORMATION takes us beyond assumed boundaries, into virgin territories of the self a place of greater courage and love, into the wellspring of authenticity, the core of being.” -Dan Millman, author, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior and The Life You Were Born to Live
“I am astounded. Suddenly we have a bridge from psychopathology (or plain human problems) to enlightenment. There it stands, every beam in place, and traffic already passing over it. I know therapist types will make ready use of it, and I hope religions will embrace the profound implications of this fine new bridge to their territory.” -Wilson Van Dusen, Ph.D., author, The Natural Depth of Man, former Chief Psychologist at Mendicino State Hospital, CA
Dates and Location
November 7-9, 2014 Boulder, Colorado
Best Western Boulder Inn
So Click Here Now And You Can Claim Your Place For Just $395
The Best Western Boulder Inn, 770 28th St, Boulder CO
Rates: $99 King single; $109 Queen double Limited Special NLP Group Rate.
Call 800-233-8469 and mention discount code “NLP”
More specifics about travel
More – recent participant reviews…
We have many more expressions of gratitude than we can use. The following are all from participants in Tamara’s 2011 Core Transformation Trainings:
“Excellent experience overall. The aligning perceptual positions portion resulted in my being able to hear out of my left ear again — something I hadn’t noticed I wasn’t doing before the exercise.”
— Linda Goff
“My issue had to do with feeling unworthy. And I expected at the end to feel worthy… but instead, when I got to my core state, I didn’t feel worthy, neither did I feel unworthy, it was like the whole concept of being/feeling (un)worthy did not exist to me anymore, I was just being… That felt sooo good.”
— Fatih K., Belgium
“[The Core Transformation Workshop] was an enlightening experience that perhaps saved my relationship with my boyfriend and definitely made a mark on my life and my future. Just being in this workshop has shown me a way of becoming a better, more peaceful, and a happier person. I left the course with a lasting impression and knowledge of a new tool that I hope to continue using to my future benefits. Tired, but still “high” on wonderful feelings and experience… I would recommend this workshop to anybody interested in evolving, or in life transformation.”
— Veronika Krejci
“This was an excellent workshop. I personally experienced a major shift in my migraine headaches I have had for the past 15 years. I was able to avert a headache coming on while at the workshop, and have not had another headache yet. They usually occur every 2 – 4 weeks. I believe I have finally moved on past this part of me that was creating the headaches.”
— Cathy Ochs
“Great training…very useful. I noticed that I have stopped biting my fingernails…and have a great sense of being. I enjoyed the whole weekend.”
— Marge Perry
“A wonderful experience! Great mix of teaching and experiential work. I feel I have a greater skill set for working with others and personal change in reference to decreased selfishness and greater acceptance of self.”
— Steve Raymond Siegle
“It was very good. Well thought out and had plenty of time to complete the process. I have more of a feeling of happiness. I also have the skills to do core transformation on my own, which I have already done a couple of times this week.”
— participant in Sept. Boulder training
“Tamara’s sensitive and “soft” personality makes the learning comfortable and easy. Her humor and laughter made the training enjoyable and light as well. She had excellent reframes and stories as examples. Thank you!”
“So kind, informed, skilled and deeply respectful of each person’s state. She and this work are a needed blessing in this world. Thank you.”
— participant in Feb. Boulder training
From Japan 2011 Participants
Where Tamara has been teaching Core Transformation for 4 years…
“I was able to accept me as myself. I can now feel how glad I am to be born into this world. I am ready to accept and acknowledge any part of me.”
— Emi Kato, Tokyo, Japan
“I think I was able to step into an area which was impossible to find with just my conscious mind. Communication with my unconscious mind gradually made me feel liberated and now I feel so refreshed. Looking forward to feel the inner changes from now on.”
— Takao Kasahara/Engineer, Aichi, Japan
“I did a Core Transformation session as a demonstration subject during the program 2 years ago. Since then, the range of my voice as a singer has grown wider and I realized my dream of doing an international concert tour. I am also experiencing an ongoing positive changes in my relationship with my family. Thank you so much, Tamara.”
— Mariko Yamaguchi/Professional singer, Nagano, Japan
“I used to feel a rage whenever somebody did something to me which I thought was outrageous. For example, when another driver tries to cut in forcibly, I often got into an argument right there on the spot. Since I took this program, I noticed my anger soothe away. Most surprised was my family, watching me being so calm.”
— Norimasa Kato, Chiba, Japan