A prolific innovator, Charles has pioneered methods for accelerated language learning, as well as medical and financial decision-making. He is particularly well-known for his work with futures traders and his research on the role of “metaphor” in communication and behavior. Charles is the author of Metaphors of Identity, Submodalities: An Inside View of Your Mind, Worlds Within a Word, The Essence of Intuition, The Mythic Wheel of Life, Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP, co-author of NLP In Action, and chief architect and co-author of NLP:The New Technology of Achievement and Success Mastery with NLP.
His most recent work on Influence is “Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP:”
Whether it ‘s in business or at home, influence is how we make things happen and move ourselves forward. Influence is how we achieve what we want.
Whatever way you think about it, you want to be able to influence others. Charles Faulkner leads you through a new kind of influence that allows you to notice what is really important to you and those you want to influence so that both of you can truly begin to live life to the fullest.
In this program, you will learn how you can substantially increase your influence by interacting with others in more meaningfully ways. And doing this doesn’t mean pretending anything. In fact, you will get to be more of who you are as you encourage others to express more of who they are. You will learn how to influence more effectively and obtain more of what you really want.
In Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP, you’ll learn the crucial difference between influence and manipulation, how to hear (and see) what people really want, how to increase your influence through a Value Matrix, five ways every one of us makes something more meaningful, the importance of Identity Values over Utility Values, the five levels of everyone’s Pyramid of Influence, how everyday metaphors shape our identities and businesses, the Five LIfe Purposes that drive all of us, how the stories we tell about ourselves lead to our futures, and how to use influence and congruence to work to increase both.
With Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP, you can open up an exciting new dimension in your life. One that can make life a more fulfilling adventure than you have imagined. All you have to do is apply this knowledge and make meaningful influence the magic that transforms your life! Experience “meaningful influence” and learn how to use it to get what you really want by helping others to get what they really want. 503C – 6 CD’s Charles Faulkner
More about Charles? Yes, there’s more!
Charles Faulkner became involved in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in 1979. He had previously studied linguistics, psychology and crisis management at university and so immediately saw its potential applications to counselling, coaching, business and life. He proceeded to study with all of the key co-founders and young Ericksonians in their respective areas of expertise, assisted on residential certification programs with Steve and Connirae Andreas, and became their Strategies trainer after only a year. He co-founded the NLP Institute of Chicago, and was NLP Comprehensive’s first Executive Director and later the Director of Programs for several years. He continued to train on NLP Comprehensive Practitioner and Master programs in Colorado and California and with NLP institutes in Europe while developing his own original work.
One of the first questions an NLP Practitioner asks is, “What do you want?” Early on, Charles began to wonder about this. After all, everyone wants to be happy, in a loving relationship, have a thriving business, stimulating work and so on. So, it seemed like it would be pretty much the same for everybody. But when he asked clients this question, he found that they felt that what they wanted was particular and unique to them. This prompted him to ask a question which guided him for many years. “How do people know what to want?”
The first answer came through George Lakoff and Mark Johnson’s book Metaphors We Live By. The world is made meaningful through personally embodied (lived) metaphors. Life can be a game, or a journey, or an education, an adventure, an exploration, a growth process and many more depending on the metaphor through which it is experienced. This “living metaphor” is the way the world is for the person, and unquestioned by the individual holding it. A person’s values and beliefs, and hence their goals and desires – what s/he wants – follow from their metaphor. Charles’ work became an exploration (note the metaphor) of how to identify individual and organizational metaphors from objects, actions and language, and then elegantly change them. Delving into more detail, he soon discovered there were separate metaphors for important areas of life including work, relationships, money, politics and more. Expanding the time frame, he reconnected with work that he had done years before on individual life stories and how to change them. He taught these models in the US and Europe and with Genesis II recorded three audio sets entitled: Metaphors of Identity (1991), The Mythic Wheel of Life (1993) and Words Within a Word (1994).
The second answer came when Charles was the creator, coordinator and a co-author of the original Nightingale-Conant 6-hour audio program NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (1991) and then co-editor and a co-author of the book of the same name (1994). This was a complete modeling of the elements of achievement. He found a lot of what people want has as much to do with the structure of their experience as their metaphors. His subsequent Nightingale-Conant programs include: Success Mastery (1992) with Robert McDonald, the video NLP in Action (1993) with Lucy Freedman, and Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP (2003) on business applications of his own living metaphor and life story work. He also created audio programs on the Essence of Intuition (1997) and the Cognitive Linguistics of Sub-Modalities: An Insider’s View (1999). Combining his knowledge of Systems Dynamics with NLP Meta-Programs, he created the coaching tool and change game Trimurti. (2001). Charles has also given many presentations and programs on how Cognitive Linguistics (CL) is superior to Transformational Grammar (TG) for NLP in that CL organizes and explains Submodalities, shows Meta-Programs are grammar-based, and all experience is ultimately metaphoric. He introduced a whole new class of ‘content’ change techniques, as well as demonstrated that the Milton Model trimmed off many of Erickson’s advanced language patterns because they didn’t fit TG.
Still, Charles is best known for his work modeling the strategies and mind-sets of superior traders known as “market wizards.” He was originally approached by Chicago bond trader who wanted to know if NLP could be useful to traders and investors. This began what unexpectedly became a massive multi-year modeling project. It started with simple management of emotions techniques. These proved necessary, but not sufficient, to produce positive results. The research that followed included mental Strategies, then selective perceptions (Meta-Programs), and living metaphors as well. In the process, new models and distinctions were discovered and new tools were developed including: context modeling, assumption modeling, scope and category and categorical change, new kinds of Reframing, and the five dimensions of decision-making. Over the course of these developments, Charles was interviewed in the books The New Market Wizards, The Outer Game of Trading, The Intuitive Trader, and many trading magazines including Stocks & Commodities and Stocks, Futures & Options. He also contributed to Michael Covel’s best-selling books Trend Following and Trend Commandments and worked and taught with market wizard Ed Seykota and his Trading Tribe Process (TTP) starting ‘tribes’ in the US and UK.
In 2000s, Charles was delighted to discover that Behavior Economics/Finance researchers had, over decades, done detailed studies on many of the things he had noticed anecdotally. They had arrived at an understanding of conscious and unconscious minds very similar to that of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., though they could not explanation ‘why’ the two worked the way they did. This initiated another exploration for Charles that includes investigations into anthropology, developmental psychology and sympathetic magic, and is yet another answer to the question, “How do people know what to want?” Charles describes of this work as an explanation with applications of “judgement and decision-making under uncertain/complex conditions.” He says in this increasingly complex world it has much wider applications to our personal and professional lives than just to trading and investing. He is currently writing a book.