With great sadness we must report that Kevin Creedon died at home on Friday, March 29, 2013. He was cared for by his devoted sister Karen and his partner of 20 years, Jeff Bond. He was an innovative force in NLP and Feldenkries who contributed greatly to both the fields and the community. He is missed.
Kevin Creedon is a practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Feldenkrais Method. Feldenkrais since 1991; NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis since 1992.
Kevin’s early experience as one of the only practitioners working with people with AIDS led to an expertise dealing with difficult health issues, including opportunistic infections, cancer and the side effects of aggressive medications. His first NLP technique for improving health, the Bang Bang Strategy, was published in Anchorpoint in 1994.
In the sixteen years since he began his practice, Kevin has developed many new ways to help people with serious health issues – and he has generalized those techniques and developed others to work with adults and children with learning disabilities and people seeking secrets to making their small businesses healthy.
Kevin’s Feldenkrais practice, with its focus on maximizing one’s body’s potential, has brought him clients as varied as professional athletes, dancers and musicians, as well as people recovering from serious injuries and people recovering from strokes.
As an NLP trainer, Kevin draws heavily on his expertise in the Feldenkrais Method. He teaches this way so that his students can create what they need when then need it.