Magic, Misdirection, And Emerging Science Behind NLP

In the NYT today is another of the reports I’m finding more and more of these days.  The theories behind NLP that were so outre when first proposed 30 years ago are now being re-proposed and validated with increasing frequency by mainstream science particularly in the field of neuroscience.

Here’s a lovely and simple example one such study of how we construct our inner reality.  The folowing paragraph in particular could have been taked directly from an NLP introduction:

“One theory of perception, for instance, holds that the brain builds representations of the world, moment to moment, using the senses to provide clues that are fleshed out into a mental picture based on experience and context. The brain uses neural tricks to do this: approximating, cutting corners, instantaneously and subconsciously choosing what to “see” and what to let pass, neuroscientists say. Magic exposes the inseams, the neural stitching in the perceptual curtain.”

Full Article:  While a Magician Works, the Mind Does the Tricks

Published: August 12, 2008
How do magicians take advantage of our brains to create their seemingly impossible illusions?
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