Author name: Tracy Hoobyar

Tracy Hoobyar is a seasoned coach specializing in neurolinguistic programming (NLP), psychology, and integrative health coaching. With a rich background from NLP Comprehensive and a forward in "NLP The Essential Guide," Tracy combines her extensive experience to empower entrepreneurs, caregivers, and neurodivergent individuals. Her unique ClearPath™ Framework helps clients focus on outcomes rather than obstacles, clearing the way for fast and permanent change. She is the founder of System Chicks, a digital agency dedicated to helping women build scalable businesses through simplified systems. Tracy's compassionate and edgy approach ensures her clients achieve success without sacrificing their personal lives.

The Next Step in Perceptual Positions

Have you ever felt like, even though you understand and have practiced perceptual positions, sometimes they don’t make changes by themselves?  Like sometimes you need something else, another bucket than the three standard positions? Perceptual positions are a core distinction in NLP, one that is used in multiple processes and techniques. Our perceptual positions guide

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Choosing the Best Website for your Coaching Practice

Coaching plays an important role in our society. It allows people to get help who otherwise might continue to struggle. Coaches support people through transitions that once were life altering, allowing them to get back to the “business of living” faster than ever before. [bctt tweet=”Coaches support people through transitions that once were life altering,

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