The Parts Party

Because of the requests as a result of the post “The Inside Family” I’m posting this version of the Parts Party format (you may want to read “The Inside Family” first. :-).

The Parts Party Process

1.    With your eyes closed, imagine being in a place in nature where you feel very comfortable. And, while exploring this place in nature, notice a rectangular table with six chairs around it.

2.    Ask your unconscious mind for two parts of yourself which you really enjoy.  And when they arrive, welcome them, as they take their seats at the table. Introduce them to each other.

3.    Ask your unconscious mind for two parts of yourself which you find useful and practical in some way. And when they arrive, welcome them, as they take their seats at the table, then introduce everyone there.

4.    Ask your unconscious mind for two parts of yourself which you particularly dislike. And when they arrive, welcome them, as they take their seats at the table, then introduce every one there.

5.    Say to all the parts at the table, “Please tell me who here feels the most mis-understood?” Notice which one responds.  And now ask the one who feels most misunderstood, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer. And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

6.    Say to the remaining five parts, “Who among you feels the most misunderstood?” And ask the one who responds, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer. And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

7.    Say to the remaining four parts, “Who among you feels the most misunderstood?” And ask the one who responds, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer.  And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

8.    Say to the remaining three parts, “Who among you feels the most misunderstood?” And ask the one who responds, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer.  And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

9.    Say to the remaining two parts, “I’ve welcomed the other parts to this table; I’d like to welcome you, as well.  Please tell me, one at a time, the gift you bring to me.” Listen to their answers. And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of the gifts these parts bring.

10.    Watch as the six parts create a circle of gifts by holding hands with each other. And, as the table fades away, stand in the middle of the circle of gifts, and allow this inner-team, to merge in the center of your heart, breathing it into your lungs, your bones and blood stream.

11.    And now I’ll touch the base of your throat to anchor this new integration.  And you can let the feeling you have now, as I touch your throat, take you all the way into your past, to just before you were born. Be in your mother’s womb feeling this way. And as both sperm and egg, allow yourself to con-tinue going back into all the branches of your family history. And now, with this integrated feeling deeply within your history, your body and your cell-ular structure, gently bring it forward through all the branches of your family and years of your life to this present moment. Now, watch it continue to gently unfold into your future.

12.    As I let go of the throat-anchor, notice what your life will feel like from now on with this integration totally within you.

© 1984-1998 Copyright by Robert McDonald, as adapted from Leslie Cameron-Bandler

2 thoughts on “The Parts Party”

  1. The Good Guys tip and the Parts Party
    First the Good Guy used it on myself,excellent; a definite welcome move forward change brought the naysayer into producing positive work for my desires

    Iam working on the parts party

    all in all thank you

  2. You’re very welcome. (I was at the NLP Conference or I’d have replied sooner.) The Parts/Reframing model was my favorite in my original Practitioner.


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