
Life Skills: Rapport #2, The Power Move: Pacing And Leading In Conversational Rapport-Building

Life Skills: Pacing and Leading, The Power Move In Conversational Rapport-Building. Many behaviors can be paced, or mirrored. These NLP Rapport skills are pretty easy to learn, and you can practice them anytime and anywhere that you can observe someone. They are tools you can use to create better connections and have greater influence. These

Life Skills: Rapport #2, The Power Move: Pacing And Leading In Conversational Rapport-Building Read More »

Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech?

Found this one in the local weekly, “Westword.” 🙂 “Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech? In this recently posted video, for instance, Obama is accused of using “the techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), a covert form of hypnosis,” to … As you may have heard, Barack Obama recently became the

Did Barack Obama hypnotize the nation during his Denver acceptance speech? Read More »

Are You Tuning In?

A client told me today “I’m becoming increasingly, keenly aware of the concept of rapport … and how my responses control and influence every situation.” “Really?” I ask. She says “Since the NLP workshop, I’ve been sitting in meetings, practicing looking around, changing my body posture, watching my facial expression, aligning with the ideas being

Are You Tuning In? Read More »

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